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MiniKey (Tiny USB keyboard)

MiniKey (Tiny USB keyboard)
  • Tiny size !

Interface : USB (no driver needed)
Dimensions : 8 cm x 5 cm x 1 cm (maximum sizes)

Here you can find some Freeware-programs for enhancing the use of the keyboard. eg. you can setup a reboot button,...


9.95 EUR
incl. 19% VAT, plus shipping
In Stock (25 pcs)

4 von 5 Sternen
77 ratings
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Customer ratings: 4 von 5 Sternen
Average rating, based on 77 ratings
3 von 5 Sternen from dewy666 am 28.09.2008

Small, compact and light very handy to save space or even as a gaming chatpad the only bad points are its got no wireless connection and its hard to use on an xbox 360 gamepad on windows for example if you play online shooters with a game pad you would have to create your on holding bay not easily made but theres alot of gamepads out there so it makes sense in a way but if you buy this and make a holder for your current gamepad you will enjoy it. also its plug and play so no drivers and the added function of which is hotkeys and key tweaking so this in a way makes up for no holder and not everyone need wireless connection to all of their functions but then again every one is entitled to their opinion so if its not for you then its ok with me and no one should force you into buying it but if you use pinnacle game profiler with this you will have no need for a keyboard and mouse ever again also its very helpful if you are one of those people who sit far away from the computer to do their work on their pc so its good in that sense i reccomend this as a best buy if you have read this far down on my comment i thank you for your time and hope this will make your mind up on wether or not to buy this

5 von 5 Sternen from cadamuro am 07.09.2008 | | See all my comments

Die tastatur ist im Kfz eine super Ergänzung. Sie ist zuverlässig und sehr Platzsparend. Bei nichtgebrauch habe ich sie im Handschuhfach liegen. Sie ist sehr zu empfehlen

3 von 5 Sternen from TheMartel am 22.08.2008 | See all my comments

Clavier (trop ?) basique, mais avec une taille lilliputienne, qui permet de le ranger facilement dans la boite a gant, le cordon usb étant suffisamment grand pour que le passager ou le chauffeur puisse l'utiliser sans se contorsionner outre mesure.

5 von 5 Sternen from Markus.Hoehne am 18.08.2008 | | See all my comments

Klein, leicht und unauffällig. Funktioniert sehr gut, die Tastenbelegung erfordert allerdings ein wenig Gewöhnung.

Update from :2008-08-29 08:42
Schön klein und gut zu bedienen, allerdings sind nicht alle gewohnten Tasten drauf. Trotzdem sehr gut.

3 von 5 Sternen from Schaussi am 25.07.2008 |

alles bestens

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